Angharad Wynne – Co-conspirator
Angharad has spent much of her life searching for fragments of her native spirituality, delving in the pre-Christian strata to follow pathways back through the portals of ancient myth and early poetry of Britain. Her journey has included training within the Western Magical Traditions as well as Celtic Shamanism. Since childhood however, intuitive journeys across the landscapes of Wales, listening with her feet, dreaming with the land, finding new, old ways of knowing have been her strongest inspiration. Along the way, the moon and seasons became blood tides, nature has become her sustaining guide and the ancestors of this land her teachers.
She is a storyteller and writer, runs workshops, retreats, pilgrimages and short and long courses, leads ceremony and co-creates ritual, to share her understanding of the old ways of this land and how they can bring us back to who we are, and our place within the web of life, now. As a woman in the melting-cauldron of menopause, Angharad is delighted to be supporting Sharon in this deep dive to explore this uncelebrated phase of womanhood, and eager to unearth its glimmering treasures with all who gather.